Beyond Burnout Corporate Solutions
Creating opportunities to coach, mentor and train our top professionals to achieve their full potential. Combining wide research and practical experience, I develop evidence based solutions around topics such as:
Leadership capability
Sustainable performance mindset
Career progression
Stress and burnout prevention.
My aim is to support your people feel and operate at their best, sustaining this over the long-term. This benefits all - the individual, the team within which they operate and the organisation overall.
Evidence-based SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR TOP PROFESSIONALS that need more support when experiencing high stress and burnout.
Sarah Vizer - Leadership and Mindset Coach
As a consultant, coach and expert facilitator, I draw out the best in people. Ultimately I'm about unleashing our top professionals to feel and operate at their peak and sustain this over the long-term.
My Corporate Career spans 20 years, leading teams and managing organisation-wide technology and cultural change. I’ve worked across many organisations, including PwC, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
But after 20 years I came to a real life crisis point. Yes I was EXTREMELY BURNT OUT! Fast forward to today and I now use my experience to help others sustainably reach those high peaks of performance without the burnout.
I’m the creator of ‘Beyond Burnout’ which is all about Sustainable Performance. I draw out the best in your people, helping them ignite their motivation, energy, focus and ultimately feel and operate at their peak.
I combine experience with current, evidence-based research to develop the systems that achieve this transformation. My background in consulting, coaching and change management works perfectly, assisting people transition to new beliefs and ways of working.
My mission is to use my lessons from life and work to inspire other top professionals. Favourite topics include building sustainable solutions, tapping into resilience and maintaining high performance...all without burning out of course!

Services I offer
I'm a seasoned consultant, qualified leadership coach and an expert facilitator. I've even created my own program around resolving burnout, called Stronger Foundations.
This is how I can use this experience to engage with your organisation.
Coaching / Mentoring
Developing leaders | Igniting confidence, energy, focus and productivity.
Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance. We look to improve productivity, enhance leadership capability, overcome performance issues, create motivation and improve self-awareness. Coaching is an integral part of reaching our full potential.
My aim is to support your current and emerging leaders feel and operate at their best and sustain this peak performance over the long-term. This serves to increase the efficacy of your workforce, building their motivation, focus and productivity.
Topics that are commonly addressed:
Leadership capability development
Dealing with difficult situations
Confidence and certainty building
Clarity on career advancement
Succeeding into a new role
Stress reduction for self and others.

Team Workshops | Lunch & Learn Sessions
Proactive Up-skilling of Leaders (current and emerging)
Workshops are offered to engage, educate and inspire. You bring a topic or a problem you want to solve and I put together a workshop that will deliver insight, create active participation and spark conversation.
Workshops can be conducted online or in-person. The content is designed to be helpful for both participants and provide skills to support those they lead. They also provide participants with resources to refer to long after the session is complete.
Example workshop topics include:
Burnout to Brilliant - my life changing lessons from burnout
Demystifying Burnout - the facts, the stories, the way forward.
Sustainable performance - the art of combining high performance and high self-care
Bringing Down the Stress - creating stress resilient workplaces.

Stronger Foundations Program
Burnout Prevention and Management - Solutions for Individuals
Are any of your people currently experiencing high stress and burnout? Are you struggling to offer them the support they require?
This program supports your top professionals return to full productivity. They have access to 12 weeks of valuable online learning along with personalised coaching.
The outcome is better management of stress and burnout and a new way forward that’s sustainable in the long-term. It also develops better leaders, with the knowledge and skills to confidently handle burnout in those around them.